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Trainers become the trained

Staff Professional Development Session


Everyone needs to keep their hand in when it comes to being trained.  At First Aid Training Group, we keep updating and refreshing our knowledge.  Sometimes this will be through hands-on event work.  At other times, our team will undertake a range of professional development (PD) across a range of skills.

How do we keep up our skills?

Our trainers are dedicated to staying on top of their game through external and internal training.

Some of the ways we do this are:

  • Attending conferences,
  • Undertaking training package validation,
  • Training resource design work,
  • Reviewing relevant standards,
  • Use of online PD tools such as Ausmed and e-learning packages,
  • Self-study to higher qualifications,
  • Sitting on nationally recognised panels, boards and peak bodies within their professions,
  • Volunteering with emergency services, and
  • Our own PD sessions

All of these sessions count towards professional growth and enhancing of background knowledge across the courses and services we provide.

Our most recent PD session

On Monday last, August 24th, some of our team, including our Director and the Operations Manager, attended a session related to our Low Voltage Rescue course.  Adam Briggs of Adam Briggs Electrical Pty Ltd provided the knowledge which covered the importance of electrical safety, lockout/tag-out procedures, the relevant wiring standard, and industry research into workplace deaths and injuries.

Industry statistics

From 2013 to 2015

  • 142 workers died as a result of contact with electricity(an average of 11 workers each year),
  • 87% (123) of these deaths happened when installing electrical infrastructure, and
  • Almost half of worker deaths occurred in the construction industry. (1)

Guidance on safe practices in electricity

Worksafe Victoria recommends the use of Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) before completing work and implementing control measures for electric shock risk. (2)  Part of good practice of operations is to have people trained as Safety Observers in case an incident occurs. Safety Observers can step in to provide the initial isolation, rescue and treatment of a worker exposed to energy.

Impacts of energy

It takes just 30milliamps (mA) of energy for muscle contractions to occur, preventing a casualty from being able to breathe or call for help.  Even low milliamp levels left in place for an extended period can do as much damage as someone exposed to 50mA (the level at which it can cause ventricular fibrillation).  Energy exposure of a level greater than one amp is often fatal.

Low voltage rescue training

First Aid Training Group is one of the few providers in Western Victoria that offers the course UETTDRRF06B Perform a rescue from a live LV panel.  The LVR course, as we refer to it, has grown from being offered every couple of months to now being available with every weekday course on our calendar.

Our professional trainers, just like you, need to keep their information up to date and relevant.  PD sessions, such as this one, ensure that you can rest assured that the knowledge you receive retains its relevance for your sector.

Booking a course

To book a course, go to our Course Booking page  provide training in house or onsite depending on your needs.  We contextualise each of our courses to your specific work environment; from wind farms to solar farms, commercial and domestic to industrial locations.

Our thanks to Adam Briggs for his assistance in maintaining our skill levels.

(1) Source https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/electrical-safety accessed 24/08/2020

(2) Source https://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/preventing-electric-shocks-electricians accessed 25/08/2020

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