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HLTAID005 Provide first aid in remote situations

HLTAID005 Provide first aid in remote situations


This course provides the knowledge and skills to perform remote first aid (HLTAID005 Provide first aid in remote situations). In situations where medical attention or assistance is delayed, a First Aider may be required to attend to an injured and/or ill person for a longer time period due to geographical barriers to evacuation, such as an isolated or outback location, rough terrain or during inclement weather.

This comprehensive course provides students with the skills and knowledge required to provide an effective First Aid response and apply effective casualty management skills in remote situations until handed over to medical personnel or other responders.

Respond to emergency situations

Often workers find themselves in quite remote situations and history tells us that medical emergencies can happen anywhere. Consequently, being prepared and planning for such medical emergencies is essential. Whether its a personal emergency, or you come across someone who is experiencing a serious medical issue, it’s important to determine whether the situation requires professional intervention or just onsite first aid.

Evaluation of how the casualty will be physically handles can often make a situation worse. Above all, with one of the principles of first aid being to not make the situation worse. It essential the all options are considered and analysed against the given medical situation.

Complexities of remote first aid

First Aiders must be able to apply their skills to an appropriate level of competence in demanding conditions. This is where comprehensive first aid training becomes critical. This course gives you the confidence to deal with complex medical emergencies.

At First Aid Training Group Pty Ltd we have experienced trainers who can help you organisations to prepare for remote first aid situations.


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