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Emergency Planning and Procedure Development

  • The planning, practice and implementation of how you will respond in an emergency incident could mean the difference between life and death.
  • First Aid Training Group’s goal is ensure building occupants are best prepared in the event of an emergency by creating the highest quality, most intuitive and ‘user friendly’ Emergency Evacuation Plan.
  • The Evacuation Plan will comprehensively and accurately detail when to evacuate and how emergency procedures must be implemented.
  • Emergency Evacuation Plans must be reviewed and practiced at least annually under the supervision of a fire safety professional to ensure efficiency if the situation ever arises (Australian Standard AS3745-2010).
  • First Aid Training Group can provide comprehensive and customised plans by our experienced consultants.  Plans are then developed and drawn in-house by our professional CAD draftspersons.
  • We will also supervise its implementation by testing its efficiency during a simulated evacuation exercise and provide a report following a managed debrief.

Our Trainers and Consultants

All of our trainers are healthcare professionals I.e. Paramedics,

Emergency First Responders, Fire Fighters, Nurses – Specialists in the field and all with REAL-LIFE EXPERIENCE!


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Emergency Planning and Procedure Development

The planning, practice and implementation of how you will respond in an emergency incident could mean the difference between life and death.

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